Saturday, May 30, 2009

Coming Soon. . .

"Reflections on The Witch's Pyramid"

When you read those earliest Wicca 101 books and/or attended your first study groups or classes, you were likely introduced to The Witch's Pyramid:
To Know, To Will, To Dare and To Be Silent. . .

The Witch's Pyramid is widely regarded as the foundational structure and springboard for successful magick.

So, where did this model originate?
Is it a New Age concept....or based on ancient esoteric mysteries?
How important is it?
What do you really need to Know?
Is there more than one type of Will?
I Double Dare ya!
Does keeping Silence just mean not talking about the Spell?
Why and How does it work?
Where does a spiritual plan fit into this?
Is there a place for the Pyramid in your day-to-day mundane life?

Please join me for an indepth look at the Witch's Pyramid. This will be a five-part series, covering each of the pillars of the Pyramid as well as the overall foundations, principles and applications.

Check back soon for Part One. I look forward to your comments and discussion!

Brightest Blessings,

Be The Magick!

"Ye Olde Witches Brew" Interview

Lady Bridwen answers questions about her own Witch's Journey, including her personal views on Spirituality, Witchcraft, The Healing Arts and the creation of "A Witch's Journey"

This interview will be featured in the upcoming issue, which goes live on June 1st.Many thanks to Jennifer Toppel, creator of "Ye Olde Witches Brew", who made this experience an absolute pleasure!

To access this interview and all past and current full articles, subscription to the magazine is necessary (easy and free).

Happy Reading!!!!!!
Blessings, Lady Bridwen

Be The Magick!